Saturday, October 13, 2012


Assignment Details
Lecturer : Daniel Nugraha (ID: D4748)
Course Code: T0604                 
Class: 01PCT
Name: Adrian Pratama
NIM: 1601253845
GSLC - Creating a Blog

The Friends

The Asians
The Bfs
The Whites

School of Advanced Studies

Youth Group
The F-hallers
My favorite hobby was actually hanging out with friends. I have to say I always had a bunch of people to hang out with and just have fun. I was always out back home in California. Hanging out, going to the mall, theme parks, or just plain going to a friend’s house. 

A Little More About Me

I consider eating my hobby because I love to eat. I’m also  Disney and a POTC (Pirates of the Caribbean) fanatic. I’d like to say I’m pretty awesome when it comes to “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.” I’m also very invested in playing cards.

Le Cherry

Me and Le Cherry
Baby Cherry

This is Cherry, my 11 month old golden retriever. She was born on November 21, 2011 and I got her on February 4, 2012. Cherry is my first dog ever and I've always wanted a dog. What we have going on is a love/hate relationship, meaning there are moments where she is incredibly cute or there are those times where  I just wanna cage her and give her the silent treatment. Cherry is my best friend here in Indonesia, she keeps me company at home, is loyal, and keeps me busy. Cherry is a perfect example of "man's best friend."

About Me

My name is Adrian Pratama Djojo and I was born in Jakarta, Indonesia on April 27, 1992. I have 2 parents, 2 younger brothers (Alvian, 18 and Didi, 9), and a golden retriever named Cherry. My religion is Christianity. I like to travel a lot and go to new places. Another hobby of mine is technology and new gadgets. I also like an adrenaline rush, such as paintball or airsoft. My favorite movie is "Pirates of the Caribbean" and my favorite book, probably the only book I read completely, is "The Kite Runner."